The NorthStar Havanese Club

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Code of Ethics

Officers, Directors, Commitees


Constitution and Bylaws of The NorthStar Havanese Club

Constitution and ByLaws

SECTION 1 The name of the Club shall be the NORTHSTAR HAVANESE CLUB, and shall be officially associated with the HAVANESE CLUB OF AMERICA and its


SECTION 2 The objects and purposes of the Club shall be:
a) to encourage and promote quality in the breeding of purebred HAVANESE Dogs, and to do all possible to bring their natural qualities to perfection;

b) to encourage and urge members and breeders to accept the standard of breed as approved by the American Kennel Club as the only standard of excellence by which Havanese shall be judged;

c) to do all in its power to protect and advance the interests of the breed by encouraging sportsmanlike competition and conduct sanctioned matches at dog s shows, obedience trials, agility trials, etc., under the rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club;

d) to conduct sanctioned matches, dog shows, obedience trials, agility trials, etc., under the rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club.


SECTION 3 The Club shall be operated as a non-profit Association, not benefiting any one member or family.

SECTION 4 The members shall adhere to and may revise such bylaws as necessary to fulfill the objectives of the Club.


Article I


SECTION 1 Eligibility – There shall be appropriate memberships open to all persons 18 years of age and older provided they are in good standing with the American Kennel Club and who subscribe to the purpose of this Club. While membership is to be unrestricted as to residence, the Club’s primary purpose is to represent owners,

breeders and exhibitors in its immediate area.

SECTION 2 Dues – Membership dues shall not exceed $75.00 per year, payable on or before the 1st day of January of each year. No member not in good standing may vote. During the preceding month of November the Treasurer shall send to each Member a statement of dues for the forthcoming year. This statement will be mailed 1st class U.S. Postal Service to the member’s last known address of record.

SECTION 3 Election to membership – Each applicant shall apply on the forms(s) provided by the Club, and shall have the endorsement of two members in good standing

and shall be accompanied by the appropriate dues.

All applications are to be filed with the Secretary and the name(s) of the applicant(s) will be published in a periodical newsletter along with their sponsors. The applications may also be read at the next meeting following its receipt. If there is not a scheduled club meeting within 30 days of the applicants names being published in the newsletter, the vote will be submitted via a double sealed envelope of which the member’s names will be checked against the list of people eligible to vote and then the vote will be tallied from the double sealed ballot. Or, if there is to be a club meeting within 30 days of the newsletter being published, the applications will be voted upon by secret ballot. Affirmative votes by 2/3 of the members present shall be required to accept the applicant into membership.

Applicants who have been rejected by the Club may not reapply for 6 months after rejection.

SECTION 4 Termination of Membership – Memberships may be terminated:
a) By resignation – Any member in good standing may resign from the Club upon written notice to the Secretary

b) By lapsing – A membership will be considered as lapsed when dues are in default for a continuous period of 60 days, however, no member may resign when not in good standing.

c) By expulsion – A membership may be terminated by expulsion as provided in Article VI of these bylaws.


Article II

Meetings and Voting

SECTION 1 Club Meetings – Meetings of the Club shall be held at least bi-annually in the Minnesota area or within the upper Midwest Region, at such hour and place as

may be designated by the Board of Directors. Written notice of such meeting shall be mailed by the Secretary to each member at least 15 days prior to the meeting date. Twenty (20) percent of the membership in good standing shall constitute a quorum.

SECTION 2 Special Club Meetings - Special Club meetings may be called by the President or by a majority vote of the members of the Board who are present and voting at any regular or special meeting of the Board; and shall be called by the Secretary upon receipt of a petition signed by at least five (5) Club members in good standing. Such meetings shall be held in the Minnesota area or within the upper Midwest Region, at such place, date and time designated by the person(s) authorized to call such meetings. Written notice shall be mailed to each member by the Secretary at least five (5) days and not more than fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting. The notice shall state the purpose of the meeting. No other club business shall be conducted at this meeting. The quorum for said meeting shall be twenty (20) percent of the members in good standing.

SECTION 3 Board Meetings – Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at least bi-annually in the Minnesota area or within the upper Midwest Region at such hour and place designated by the Board. Written notice shall be mailed by the Secretary at least five (5) days prior to the meeting. Quorum for such meeting will be the majority of the Board.

SECTION 4 Special Board Meetings – Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President; and shall be called by the Secretary upon receipt of a written request signed by at least three (3) members of the Board. Such special meetings shall be held in the Minnesota area or within the upper Midwest Region at such place, date and time designated by the person(s) authorized to call such meetings. Written notice of such meeting shall be mailed by the Secretary at least five (5) and not more than fifteen (15) days prior to such meeting. The notice shall state the purpose of the meeting and no other Club business shall be conducted at this meeting. The quorum for such meeting shall be the majority of the Board.

SECTION 5 Voting – Each member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote. PROXY VOTING WILL NOT BE PERMITTED AT ANY CLUB MEETING OR ELECTION.


Article III

Directors and Officers

SECTION 1 Board of Directors – The Board shall be comprised of the officers and one (1) at large member, all of whom are in good standing, and shall be elected for a one year term at the Club’s annual meeting as provided in Article IV and shall serve until their successors are elected. General management of the Club’s affairs shall be entrusted to the Board of Directors.

SECTION 2 Officers – The Club’s officers, consisting of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer shall serve in their respective positions both at Board and Club meetings.

a) The President shall preside at all club and Board meetings and shall exercise the duties of his office in addition to those particularly specified in these bylaws.

b) The Vice President shall have the duties and authority of the President in the absence of the President.

c) The Secretary shall keep all records of the club and of the Board and of all matters ordered by the club and/or Board. And shall have charge of all correspondence.

d) The Treasurer shall collect all monies due and/or belonging to the club. The books of the club shall be open at all times to any member and a State of the Club shall be given at all Club meetings.

e) The office of Secretary and Treasurer may be held by the same person, in which case the Board shall be comprised of three (3) persons.

SECTION 3 Vacancies – Any vacancies occurring on the Board or other offices during the year shall be filled until the next annual election by a majority vote of the members of the Board at its first regular meeting following the creation of such vacancy, or at a special meeting called solely for that purpose; except that a vacancy of the President occurs in which case the Vice President automatically shall fill that office and the office of Vice President shall be filled by the Board.


Article IV

The Club Year, Voting, Nominations, Elections

SECTION 1 Club Year – The Club’s fiscal year shall begin on the first day of January and end on the last day of December.

SECTION 2 Annual Membership Meeting – The Annual Membership Meeting shall be in November, at which the officers and directors for the ensuring year shall be elected by secret ballot from among those nominated in accordance with Section 4 of this article. They shall take office immediately upon conclusion of the election and each retiring officer shall turn over to their successor in office all properties and records relating to that office within 30 days after the election.

SECTION 3 Voting – At the annual membership meeting or at a special meeting of the club, voting shall be limited to those members in good standing who are present at the meeting, except for the annual election of the board of directors and amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws, which shall be decided by written ballot cast by mail. Voting by proxy shall not be permitted. The board may decide to submit other specific questions for decision of the members by written ballot cast by mail. The nominated candidate receiving the greatest number of votes for an office shall be declared elected. In the even of a tie vote, another vote by attending members will be held, with the President abstaining from casting a vote.

SECTION 4 Annual Election - At the annual meeting for the election of Officers and directors, the vote shall be conducted by ballot. Ballots, to be valid, must be received by the Secretary before the opening of the meeting. Ballots shall be counted at the meeting by inspectors of election chosen at the meeting.

SECTION 5 Nominations and Ballots – No person may be a candidate in a Club election who has not been nominated in accordance with these Bylaws. During the month of June the Board shall select a Nominating Committee consisting of three voting members, not more than one of whom may be a member of the Board. The Secretary shall immediately notify the committee people of their selection. The Board shall name a Chairman for the Committee and it shall be such a person’s duty to call a committee meeting, which shall be held on or before Aug. 15th.

a) The committee shall nominate one candidate for each office and position on the Board, and after securing the consent of each person so nominated, shall immediately report their nominations to the Secretary in writing.

b) Upon receipt of the nominating committee’s report, the Secretary shall notify each member in writing of the candidates so nominated, at least sixty (60) days before the annual meeting so that additional nominations may be made by the members, if they so desire.

c) Additional nominations of eligible members may be made by written petition addressed to the Secretary postmarked no later than September 15th, with a written statement from the proposed candidate signifying willingness to be a candidate. No person may be a candidate for more than one position. If no valid nominations are received by the Secretary, and there is only one candidate for each vacancy, the nominating committee’s slate shall be declared elected at the annual meeting and no balloting shall be required.

d) Nominations can not be made at the annual meeting or in any manner other than as provided in this section.

e) If one or more valid additional nominations are received by the Secretary, he shall, at least twenty (20) days before the annual meeting, mail to each member in good standing a ballot listing all of the nominees in alphabetical order, together with a blank envelope and return envelope addressed to the Secretary marked “Ballot” and bearing the name of the member to whom it was sent. So that the ballots remain secret, each voter, after marking his/her ballot, shall seal it in the blank envelope which in turn shall be placed in the second envelope addressed to the Secretary. The inspectors of the election shall check the returns against the list of members whose dues are paid for the current year prior to opening the outer envelopes and removing the blank envelopes, and shall certify the eligibility of the voters as well as the results of the voting which shall be announced at the annual meeting.


Article V


SECTION 1 The Board may appoint each year, standing committees to advance work of the club in such matters as specialty shows, obedience trials, trophies, annual prizes, membership and other fields which may be well served by committees. Such committees shall be appointed by and subject to the authority of the Board.

SECTION 2 Any committee appointment may be terminated by a majority vote of the full membership of the Board by written notice to the appointee; and the Board may appoint successors as replacement.

Article VI


SECTION 1 American Kennel Club Suspension – Any member who is suspended from the privileges of the American Kennel Club shall automatically be suspended from membership in this club for a like period of time.

SECTION 2 Charges – Any member may prefer charges against another member for alleged misconduct prejudicial to the best interests of the club or the breed. Written charges with specifications must be filed in duplicate with the Secretary together with a deposit of $35.00, which shall be forfeited if such charges are not sustained by the Board following a hearing. The Secretary shall promptly send a copy of the charges to each member of the Board or present them at a meeting, and the Board shall first consider whether the actions alleged in the charges, if proven, might constitute conduct prejudicial to the best interests of the Club. If the Board considers that the charges do not allege conduct which would be prejudicial to the best interests of the Club, it may refuse to entertain jurisdiction. If the Board entertains jurisdiction of the charges, it shall fix a date for a hearing by the Board not less than three nor more than six weeks thereafter. The Secretary shall promptly send one copy of the charges(s) to the accused member via registered mail together with a notice of the hearing and an assurance that the defendant may personally appear in his/her own defense and bring witnesses if they so choose.

SECTION 3 Board Hearing – The Board shall have complete authority to decide whether or not counsel may attend the hearing; however, both the complainant and the defendant shall be treated uniformly in that regard. Should the charges be sustained after hearing all the evidence and testimony presented by complainant and defendant, the Board may, by a majority vote of those present suspend the defendant from all privileges of the club for not more than 6 months from the date of the hearing , and if it deems that punishment insufficient, it may also recommend to the membership that the penalty be expulsion. In such case, the suspension/expulsion shall not restrict the defendant’s right to appear before his/her fellow members at the enduing club meeting which considers the Board’s recommendation. Immediately after the Board has reached a decision, it’s finding shall be put in written form and filed with the Secretary. The Secretary, in turn, shall notify each of the parties of the Board’s decision and penalties, if any.

SECTION 4 Expulsion – Expulsion of a member of a club may be accomplished only at a meeting of the club following a Board hearing and upon the Board’s recommendation as provided in Section Three (3) of this Article. Such proceeding may occur at a regular or special meeting of the club, to be held within sixty (60) days but not earlier than thirty (30) days after the Board’s recommendation of expulsion. The defendant shall have the privilege of appearing in his/her own behalf, though no evidence shall be taken at this meeting. The President shall read the charges and the Board’s finding and recommendation, and shall invite the defendant, if present, to speak in his/her own behalf, if so desired.

The members shall then vote by secret ballot on the proposed expulsion. A 2/3 vote of those present and voting at the meeting shall be necessary for expulsion. If expulsion is not so voted, the Board’s suspension shall stand.

Article VII


SECTION 1 Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws may be proposed by the Board of Directors or by written petition addressed to the Secretary signed by twenty (20) percent of the membership in good standing. Amendments proposed by such petition shall be promptly considered by the Board of Directors and must be submitted to the members with recommendations of the Board by the Secretary for a vote within three (3) months of the date when the petition was received by the Secretary.

SECTION 2 The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the members present and voting at any regular or special meeting called for the purpose, provided the proposed amendments have been included in the notice of the meeting and mailed to each member at least two (2) weeks prior to the date of the meeting.

SECTION 3 All Standing Rules shall be maintained by the Secretary in a separate file and shall be perpetual.


Article VIII


SECTION 1 The Club may be dissolved at any time by the written consent of not less than 2/3 of the members. In the event of the dissolution of the Club other than for purposes of reorganization whether voluntary or involuntary or by operation of law, none of the property of the Club nor any proceeds thereof nor any assets of the Club shall be distributed to any member(s) of the Club but after payments of the debts of the Club its property and assets shall be given to a charitable organization for the benefit of dogs as selected bye the Board of Directors.


Article IX

Order of Business

SECTION 1 At meetings of the Club, the order of business, so far as the character and nature of the meeting may permit, shall be as follows:

Roll Call
Minutes of the Last Meeting
Report of the President
Report of the Secretary
Report of the Treasurer
Committee Reports
Election of Officers and Board (annual meeting)
Election and installation of new members
Unfinished Business
New Business

SECTION 2 At meetings of the Board, the order of business, unless otherwise directed by majority vote of those present, shall be as follows:

Reading of the Minutes of the Last Meeting
Report of the Secretary
Report of the Treasurer
Committee Reports
Unfinished Business
New Business


Article X

Parliamentary Authority

SECTION 1 The rules contained in the current edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised”, shall govern the club in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any other special rules of order the club may adopt.


NorthStar Havanese Club


1. All standing rules shall be entered in a separate file or book as the Constitution prescribed, and shall be recorded as follows:

a) The rules shall be numbered consecutively.
b) The rule shall be written in the exact language as it was presented in the minutes by the person making the proposed rule.

c) At the end of each rule, the date of the enactment shall be entered and indicated by parentheses as shown below.

d) A rule can be changed by a 2/3 vote of the membership present. When a rule is changed the change shall be indicated on the page opposite the rule, using the same rule number, but with the date of the change. If a rule is deleted, that too shall be indicated with the deletion date.

2. Deposits to the Club’s treasury shall be made not more than 30 days from the date of receipt.

3. Club dues shall be $25.00 per annum for a family of two (2); $15.00 for a single person; $10.00 for additional family members over 18 years of age.

People who do not own a Havanese (no voting rights) shall be $10.00 per annum for a family of two (2); $5.00 for a single person.

Children under the age of 18 (no voting rights) will be $5.00 per year.


4. Any one of the four officer’s signatures shall be required for signatures on a check.

5. Meeting notices may be delivered via email for those members having email addresses listed on their membership forms.

The NorthStar Havanese Club

Code of Ethics

Adopted Date – November 2002

A. This Code of Ethics is presented as a guide for members whose foremost aim should be the welfare, improvement and advancement of the Havanese breed, in accordance with the Standard, as approved by the American Kennel Club.

B. This code sets forth principles of conduct to be followed by all members of the NorthStar Havanese Club. Every member is charged with the responsibility to uphold, promote and practice the principles set forth in this Code of Ethics.

C. Membership in the NorthStar Havanese Club automatically obligates the member to this Code of Ethics.

A. Each member of the NorthStar Havanese Club will consider the welfare of the breed when engaged in breeding, exhibiting or selling Havanese, and will refrain from activities, which are contrary to the best interests of the breed and the Club.

B. Every member will abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of the NorthStar Havanese Club, and the rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club as they pertain to breeding, registration, record keeping and exhibiting.

C. Every Havanese will be provided clean living quarters, adequate veterinary care, proper nutrition and grooming.
D. Gossip, hearsay and innuendo regarding another member or their dogs is strongly discouraged.
E. All advertising will be factual and not misleading in any way.

Responsibilities of Breeders:
A. Every breeding will be done from the standpoint of bettering the breed. Only Havanese that are physically and temperamentally sound and free of disqualifying faults will be used for breeding. No Havanese will be used for breeding if it is known to be affected with, or a carrier of Juvenile Cataracts, PRA, heart disease or any other condition, which affects the health of the progeny. Havanese which repeatedly produce affected offspring should be removed from the breeding program, and their offspring should not be used for breeding.

B. It is recommended that dogs offered at stud will not be bred prior to one year of age, nor after twelve years of age. Dogs will be in good health and free of communicable diseases and genetic faults.

C. Stud service will be refused to any bitch, which is unregisterable or shows serious faults under the breed standard. Stud owners are responsible for puppies produced by their dogs; therefore it is recommended that they verify the bitch owner is a responsible owner and breeder.

D. It is recommended that bitches will not be bred prior to 18 months of age, nor after eight years of age. Bitches will be in good health and free of communicable disease and genetic faults.

E. It is not in the best interest of the bitch to raise more than two consecutive litters, regardless of the number of puppies in each litter. Breeders are responsible for puppies produced by their bitches; therefore it is recommended that breeders verify that purchasers of puppies will be responsible owners who will provide proper homes and care.

F. All Havanese used for breeding should be examined by a Veterinary Opthamologist to rule out known or suspected hereditary eye disease (CERF exam). This can be accomplished at a “clearing eye clinic” sponsored by breed clubs or at the Veterinary Opthamologists’s office. The CERF exam should be done annually until the dog reaches the age of eight years. If at any time an eye disorder is detected and confirmed, the breeder will immediately remove this Havanese from the breeding program and will attempt to notify owners of offspring especially if the offspring entered into a breeding program.

G. For the welfare of the breed, all major health or genetic related problems should be shared with the Health Committee of The Havanese Club of America. It is not required that the name of the breeder or dog be provided. The information will be used for statistical reasons only unless the owner gives written permission to share the information as deemed appropriate.

Registration of Havanese:
A. All members will keep complete and accurate records of individual dogs, litters, breedings, pedigrees and puppy sales as required by the American Kennel Club, and abide by American Kennel Club rules and regulations, which pertain to these activities.

B. Full Registration: Registered Havanese are considered to be of show and breeding quality, that is, they exhibit Havanese type, area sound and free of disqualifying faults under the breed standard. The breeder will provide AKC registration certificate or application of registration at the time of sale or within 30 days following delivery of the dog. Registration papers may be withheld at the time of sale in cases of prior agreement in writing such as breeding or lease agreement or similar contractual agreement which delays transfer of ownership until completion of the contract. Foreign members selling dogs to the United States should provide the proper registration papers and forms to accomplish AKC registration of imported dogs.

C. Limited Registration: the NorthStar Havanese Club members are encouraged to use limited registration for any Havanese which has faults of a nature that make it detrimental to the breed. All Havanese sold as pets and those not considered to be of show and/or breeding quality should be sold with limited registration and a spay/neuter agreement.

Selling Havanese:
A. Breeders/Sellers must be concerned with the proper placement of Havanese; both pet and show potential. It is recommended that breeders do a thorough background check of prospective buyers to insure they will provide a good home and proper care.

B. Havanese will not be displayed in public places for the purpose of immediate sale.
C. No Havanese will be sold to pet dealers, pet stores, pet wholesalers, or pet brokers either singly or in litter lots.

D. Havanese will not be offered as raffle or contest prices, or any other type of giveaway or auction.
E. All Havanese sold should be in good health and of a suitable age to leave litters (8 weeks is the

minimum recommended age). To the best of the breeder’/seller’s knowledge, all Havanese sold will be free of communicable diseases and internal and/or external parasites.

F. The seller should supply written instructions on feeding, care, training and grooming, and medical records including dates and types of vaccinations and wormings.

G. Breeders should honestly evaluate the quality of the Havanese puppy and its parents and provide this information to the puppy buyer. Pet quality Havanese should not be misrepresented as show/breeding quality. If Havanese with serious faults are sold, the seller/breeder must take the responsibility to see that the dog is spayed/neutered.

H. Contracts must be clear and complete with all conditions agreed upon between buyer and breeder/seller stated. It is recommended that the contract include a stipulation that the breeder/seller be notified if the owner is unable to keep the Havanese. A signed copy of the contract must be provided to each party involved.

I. Breeders/sellers are obligated to take back or help re-home any dog they sell, regardless of the reason or circumstances necessitating return.

J. Breeders/sellers should request that owners advise if any hereditary disease or conditions arise.

A. Members are expected to conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner both in and out of the show ring. Members will not engage in false statements regarding judges, other exhibitors, or their dogs.

B. Members are responsible for the appearance and conduct of their dogs at all times regardless of who is handling the dog. Dogs will be presented in the show ring clean and properly groomed according to the standard.

C. Hotels, motels and show grounds will be left in a clean condition.

Enforcement and Discipline:
A. Failure to comply with the Code of Ethics will subject a member to disciplinary action. Discipline under this code will be based upon procedures as provided in Article VI of the Constitution and Bylaws of the NorthStar Havanese Club.

B. Any member may prefer charges against another member for alleged misconduct prejudicial to the best interest of the breed or the club.

Acceptance and Agreement with the Code of Ethics:
A. Every member of the NorthStar Havanese Club will be required to sign an acceptance of the Code of Ethics. All new members must sign an acceptance of the Code of Ethics before membership becomes effective. This acceptance will be binding on all members until such times as the Code of Ethics is modified, at which time a new acceptance must be signed.

B. Each member will be provided with a current, dated copy of the Code of Ethics at the time of signing the agreement.

Please return just this page with your application and keep the code of ethics for yourself.

By signing below, I agree to the terms spelled out in the NorthStar Havanese Club’s Code of Ethics, dated November 2002.

Member: ____________________________________ Date: _________________________

Member: ____________________________________ Date: _________________________

NorthStar Havanese Club

Officers, Directors, Commitees

President Sue Zenk

Vice President Vicki Walton

Recording Secretary Jeanne Lundeen

Treasurer Jeanie Simon

Director at Large Nona Dietrich




Show Committee

Sandy McCabe

Jeanne Lundeen


Events Committee

Vicki Walton

Sue Zenk

Carol Krueger